9 Jan 2008 comments:
Here I am again trying to get into the swing of making regular posts. Today was an interesting day. I was at an Emerging Church Conference at the ICC in Glasgow. I found it interesting and frustrating. The term "Emerging Church" is being used today in the Christian Community to describe worshipping communities that are seeking to engage with people who lost interest in what we might call traditional understandings of church. Or who may never have been there in the...
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8 Dec 2007 comments:
I must confess that I was somewhat astonished to read about the Pope offering Indulgences to the faithful. I thought this aspect of the Roman Catholic Faith had somewhat disappeared. However it would appear not to be so. The following article outlines the Pope's offer of reduced punishment in Purgatory if pilgrimages are made to Lourdes during a specific period in the year 2008. It sounds quite bizarre to me. Hear is the article . This got me thinking about...
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16 Nov 2007 comments:
We had a very interesting few hours in Polmont Young Offenders Prison on Wednesday. Over 80% of all young adults in the prison were there due to alcohol related crimes. So why does our government allow shops to sell cheap alcohol to young people. Another interesting statistic was that many of the crimes were related to feelings connected with loss and abandonment. I began to realise that it is not simply in places like peru that young boys feel abandoned. So many...
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13 Nov 2007 comments:
You'll never guess where I'm going tomorrow? Polmont Young Offenders Institute! A few years ago I did a "Johnny Cash", I took my guitar and sang in the prison. A riot nearly broke out. I think the song lyrics were an invitation to violence. Anyway thought I'd get you thinking about prisons, but before you do I hope you enjoy this clip.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
The central committee...
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19 Sep 2007 comments:
I can't get the documentary I saw last Thursday on BBC4 out of my mind. the blurb on the BBCs web page reads as follows;
"It was entitled BULGARIA'S ABANDONED CHILDREN. in the programme, Director Kate Blewett visits a children's care home in Bulgaria and investigates the conditions in which the children live.
The Social Care Home - where 75 unwanted children are growing up - is the main employer in the small village of Mogilino. Few of the children can talk, not...
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