Broken…but not beyond repair!

posted: 3 Nov 2008 comments: 1category:

I was speaking to someone at the end of last week. We ended up talking about the fact that God often uses the things in our lives that we are ashamed of to make us into better people. The cracks and the scars still remain but they make us more valuable. I told the person this story. When I was a young minister i used to take my daughter out on some of my parish visits. One day an elderly lady gave SJ a present. It was a dolls cup and saucer, one that she had when...
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St Andrew's Gift Day

posted: 29 Oct 2008 comments: 0category:

ST ANDREW'S DAY IS GIFT DAY! Over the years as a congregation we have been given some wonderful opportunities to serve God and this year has been no exception. Our work at a local national and international level continues to grow. I'm going to ask every member of the congregation to make a special effort to be at church on Sunday 30th November its St Andrew's Day and the Kirk Session has agreed we should also make it our Annual Gift Day. We are hoping to make...
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Will Your Anchor Hold?

posted: 26 Oct 2008 comments: 2category:

Today we are celebrating at church the 125th Anniversary of the Boys Brigade. We are fortunate that the 2nd Bo'ness is still a successful BB Company. Today we will be using the famous BB Anthem " Will Your Anchor Hold" to reflect upon the importance of being rooted in Jesus Christ. When the storms of life come to overwhelm us being fastened to a rock that is immovable is the answer for our confidence. A few years ago I recorded a version of "Will Your Anchor Hold"...
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Forgive us our debts?

posted: 23 Oct 2008 comments: 0category:

The Lord's Prayer has much to teach us about the character and nature of God. Recently I've been thinking how relevant the phrase "forgive us our debts' is for all of us as we approach Christmas. Here's a video we made a couple of years ago. It has something to say to us in the middle of a credit crunch or should I say recession.
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Plant a cross and say a prayer

posted: 22 Oct 2008 comments: 1category:

A few weeks ago I made a post about our Remembrance Garden. Well its beginning to take shape. We're going to have a little service to start the proceedings. Please note the remembrance theme will run for a week. then it will revert back to being a flower garden. On Tuesday 4th November at 11.00am we'll plant the first crosses. It will be interesting to see how many crosses appear in the garden. You will be able to buy a cross from the church office for the...
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