Sanctuary First (Taster)

posted: 8 Sep 2008 comments: 32category:

We live in an image driven culture. Everybody is so conscious of their image, you know - the way we look. Tonight at Sanctuary First , our new alternative worship service, we are asking the question what does it mean to be made in the image of God? Its not really about your shape and size. Its not about your brilliance or lack of it. Its about other things that shape our lives and our attitudes. You see deep down in our beings, some might say our souls, all of...
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Nehemiah and the Lottery

posted: 7 Sep 2008 comments: 0category:

Well here I am back thinking about structures again. Its late Saturday night and I'm preparing the sermon for tomorrow. Nehemiah building the walls of Jerusalem, well trying to get the funding, to rebuild the walls. I've been quite surprised at the number of wee films on Youtube about Nehemiah. Some of them are a bit corny have a look at this one.[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] I'm really...
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posted: 1 Sep 2008 comments: 1category:

Time just seems to fly by. I've not been as diligent as I should be about keeping the blog up to date. We have a lot of interesting things brewing over here in Bo'ness. Apart from all the re-structuring, we are also making plans for a brand new contemporary worship service to be called SANCTUARY FIRST. Its all about putting worship back in first place in our lives. SANCTUARY FIRST seeks to help us do this by committing to a monthly multimedia worship service that...
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Structures Can't Change Decline

posted: 24 Aug 2008 comments: 1category:

Here we are talking about structures again. However the right structures can give to everyone a sense of freedom as well as security. I just wish the way we ordered Church in the Church of Scotland released us into freedom and community. Too much of our structures are centred around business meetings rather than the love feast. we celebrate business more than we celebrate the eucharist. It is this image of a business structure that has shaped the identity of the...
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The Servant Leader.

posted: 22 Aug 2008 comments: 0category:

I've been thinking about the role of leadership , in the light of Nehemiah and especially, when an organisation, like St Andrew's is in the middle of restructuring. One of the differences between the church leader today and Nehemiah's time is that we have the encouragement of the scriptures and perhaps a greater awareness of what it means to be " The One and the Many in Christ" In other words the teaching found in 1 Corinthians 12 under pins and helps to...
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