The Church outside always open!

posted: 17 Jul 2008 comments: 0category:

A Great view of Ben View We went for a walk through the Queen Elizabeth Forrest Park the other day starting at Kinlochard. It was a brillant day for walking, the sun was out but there was also a breeze blowing. We walked for about three hours. At one part of the walk we reached a summit which gave us an magnificent view looking over to Ben View.  We felt truly refreshed and aware of God's  finger prints everywhere. A few hours later we were exhausted but back in Callander. We had a great...
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Reflecting on the past

posted: 12 Jul 2008 comments: 0category:

ring-of-brodgar1.jpg Its hard not to be reminded of the imprint past generations have left on the earth, when visiting Orkney. The islands are full of ancient historical sites. Today we visited the Rings of Brodgar. Here is an ancient place where men and women in the ancient mists of time sought to find God. This reaching out to God shows a humility and an intelligence that somehow has by passed many in our self absorbed world. We have now progressed so far that we are even more moral than...
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Carberry and Resurrection

posted: 24 Jun 2008 comments: 2category:

crown-thorns.jpg One thing that I will always remember about the Carberry Festival is sharing a late night fish supper with John Bell, and the outstanding contribution that Adrian and Bridget Plass made to the Festivals over the years.One other thing I want to mention yet I'm not sure why, the picture of the crown of thorns which hangs in the Chapel hallway. I think John also added so much to those first few festivals. Maybe the crown of thorns speaks of themes and teaching that was...
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Carberry Cross Obscured

posted: 23 Jun 2008 comments: 0category:

turrets.jpg  Carberry Towers has been an influential retreat centre in the life of the church in Scotland for the past 50 years for most of these years it has been administered by the Church of Scotland. Over the past two or three years it has been administered by new Trust which is seeking to take the centre into a different type of usage.  From June 20-22 a group of people returned to say farewell to the venue which has been the home to a unique Christian  Arts Festival for...
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Bogle and Jamieson

posted: 20 Jun 2008 comments: 2category:

vagabond.jpg  Do you know something I think it is about six years since we've played a gig in public so I'm looking forward to remembering all my words. Vagabond Shoes was the title of a song we wrote a few years ago. It was all about what it was like being a disciple of  Jesus. You had to put up with a lot. You were always out on the road. I guess you felt like a band of brothers. Playing in the Bogle Band was a of a similar experience. Sometimes you feel this bond, I think its...
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