3 Mar 2008 comments:
Tomorrow I'm off to Lockerbie speak to a group of church leaders about the National Gathering. this is great opportunity to encourage rural congregations to get involved in what is going to be the biggest Christian event of the year. The rural church just like churches in the urban areas, are also facing the challenge of transition. We are living in a society that is having to face the changes that technology brings to all our communities. One big change that...
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2 Mar 2008 comments:
In a few weeks it will be Easter again. The story of God coming among us. God taking the form of a man, entering into our time zone. God literally becoming one of us is at the heart of the Gospel. Can people believe such a story today? And can they believe the story of a resurrection? Some Christians seek to re-interpret the faith. They want to speak of these stories in terms of myth. The resurrection of Jesus they say is not a bodily one, but rather a spiritual...
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28 Feb 2008 comments:
Today has been a very busy day at St Andrew's Bo'ness. Our problem is that there is not enough space to do the things we need to do. This morning was a good example. The Toddlers group was in at 10.00am as was the Midweek Service. Tea and coffee was served in the lounge area and then it was the Prayer Group's turn to leave the church where they normally pray and pray in the front office while any office staff retired to join the others in the office vestibule. It...
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26 Feb 2008 comments:
Yes we've just sold our 100th tent. This means that we are beginning to make headway in achieving our target of 10,000 people to attend the National Gathering at Ingliston 3-4 May 2008. The word is starting to get out around the churches and I'm hearing every day about another congregation that has decided to buy a tent or rent a bus to bring a group from their church to be represented. Thinking about The National Gathering today reminded me of a song I recorded...
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21 Feb 2008 comments:
Well I'm touched that a number of you guys who read my blog regularly are having withdrawal symptoms because italker has not been posting. The truth is I've got a lot on at the moment. I'm in the middle of writing the CWW Report for the General Assembly. Taking up the challenge of being set free from parish duties for the next three months to allow me to head up the team that is working hard on delivering the amazing National Gathering is an exciting and daunting...
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