25 Oct 2007 comments:
it's just past six o'clock in the morning. Willie is having a shower, we'll be at breakfast in five minutes, then we will make a five hour trip into the mountainous region of Kerla, to visit a new project. This is an orphanage looking after around 80 children. Abraham is taking food to them. He met these people for the first time last week and was shocked to see the conditins they live in and also that there was very little food to go around the children. Will try to...
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24 Oct 2007 comments:
Its Tuesday 23rd October We arrived in Chennai at around 2.00 am. After having to wait for what seemed forever to collect our bags we made our way out of the airport. I deligted that my close colleague Willie MacPherson has been able to join me on this trip. Willie has a great deal of experience in helping to assess the sustainablity of projects in the developing world, so I was delighted when he accepted the invitation to join me, to look at a number of projects...
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24 Oct 2007 comments:
October India Trip 2007
Our flight from Edinburgh to Paris was delayed by about 40 minutes. It meant that we had barely enough time to get through he screening to board this flight however we made it.
Just passing over Terhan, at this moment, we're about four and half hours into this flight and I'm listening to Radiohead's new album called "Rainbows".
It was just about this time last July we got turned back mid-flight to Heathrow, due to problems with the...
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21 Oct 2007 comments:
Here I am at the end of a Sunday evening, and I'm just getting myself ready to join the crowds that push into the airports and rail stations in india. God is good. I believe I must have the best job in the world. It is such a privilege to be part of the family at Bo'ness St Andrew's. We are such a mixed group of people, but I think that is what i like about our church. Well In a few hours I'll be flying back to india again, just for a week to catch up with our friends...
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10 Oct 2007 comments:
CWW The National Gathering
On 3 and 4 May 2008 I'm praying that at least 10,000 people will come and share in the CWW National Gathering at Ingleston. If not my head's for the chop. The General Assembly has backed the idea, now all we need is for all our parishes to climb on board. I hope you will have received the details in the mail and put the dates in your diary. Let's make history in 2008.
Someone asked me recently, "What is the point of all this Church...
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