14 Jul 2007 comments:
I've had a few days off getting involved with domestic things that required my attention. However I've also been keeping my ear to the ground, as Chairman of the Vine Trust . It looks as though everything is on course for the big broadcast on STV. Yes Amazon Heartbeat is going to be a huge success. All over Scotland during the month of August thousands of people are going to be tuning in to watch the 8 episodes that will tell of the partnership of the Vine Trust and...
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9 Jul 2007 comments:
Here is the video of the Royal visit to Iquitos. I believe it was a great success. Amazon Hope 1 was hardly in the water again, after being extended by 10 metres, before the Royal visit took place. Princess Anne who has been an interested supporter in the project and has visited Amazon Hope 2 when it was in Plymouth in 2005 was delighted to make the journey to Peru to see for herself, at first hand, the work of the Vine Trust in partnership with Scripture Union. The...
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7 Jul 2007 comments:
I've just hung up the telephone. It was Willie McPherson, he was calling me from a shipyard in the jungle city of Iquitos. This is last truly minute dot com up the Amazon. Tomorrow the ship is going to be relaunched. Amazon Hope 1 has been cut in two and an additional 10 metres has been added to the vessel. This we hope will make it even more versatile as we take health care to the remotest parts of the Amazon Rain Forest.
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5 Jul 2007 comments:
So what has the bike and the guitar got in common ? Well you could argue my study? You could say that they both belong to me! Yet maybe the most profound thing is that both have the ability to move you on, from where you are to where you should be. Take a song for instance, often the lyrics help us face the past in such a way, to allow us to change the future. And wheels? Well they move us further than we could ever expect. I've covered thousands of miles on...
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28 Jun 2007 comments:
I mentioned that I'd show you some pictures of the Bo'ness Fair. I'm told it is the biggest Children's Fair in Europe. It certainly is up there competing with the best. Just take a look at our neighbour's handy work. It is like something out of a Hollywood film set. Colin has been working on this constantly for many weeks,his daughter Alexandria was picked by her peers to be the Queen. this is seen as a great honour. Tomorrow at 11.00am she will be crowned Queen of...
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