29 Mar 2007 comments:
For a number of years now we have been developing our expertise in creative ways to use technology in worship. We have been encouraging church leaders to embrace technology. However there is a need for training and theological reflection on the whole issue. In this short article I hope some dialogue could lead to a development that will help church leaders out there understand the purpose and scope of their communication.
There is little doubt that we are in the midst...
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29 Mar 2007 comments:
Do you know-God Protested!
He'd had enough.
He looked at the way the world was
and is
and will be.
(Well God can do that sort of thing.)
And he said,
that's it
they've gone too far
they've stretched the limit
they're unbelievable!
He overheard,
all talking about peace
but each fighting their own personal war.
God said I'm going to Protest.
Look at the greed,
look at the hurt,
look at the lies,
look at the...
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25 Mar 2007 comments:
So you want to know how Sunday evening's theme "Blood on the Street" worked out? Well, I'm glad I didn't abandon the idea of making a communion film. We produced three original little videos for the service, along with some additional footage we had from previous occasions. The focus of the service was around the struggle that is within us all, between right and wrong. There is an interesting little verse in Genesis 4.12 where evil is described as crouching at the...
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24 Mar 2007 comments:
Interesting to see how the new film Amazing Grace has caught the headlines. There are a number of interesting clips on the above web site worth looking at. The whole issue of slavery is something we should all be concerned about. Its not so much that we apologise for the deeds of past generations, its more important that we all do something about the situation today. All over the world people are being bought and sold into slavery. The Church Times has an...
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22 Mar 2007 comments:
Well we started filming in Edinburgh this afternoon. We had quite an interesting reception. Put the table out with the bread and wine. Guess what? People stopped and read the notice. I overhead one young guy say to his pal, "that's all about Jesus, he's sound". Another young woman came up to me and asked what we were doing? I told her we were taking the bread and the wine outside the church for the people on the street. She thought I meant homeless people. "No", I said,...
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