Tuesday before Sunday again!

posted: 20 Mar 2007 comments: 0category:

011971bl1.jpg Here I am still struggling with the context of Sunday evening's service. It's at this point that I wish I had never called the service "Blood on the street". Someone commented on the theme last night, "Oh that's an attractive title for a service", what they were really saying was , "that'll pack them in." And then Maggie (our minister in training), this morning, looked up from her desk and said, "Oh your doing 'Blood on the street' boss, this Sunday, I'm looking...
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What do you think about gadgets, Lord?

posted: 18 Mar 2007 comments: 1category:

423788514_51dad2cf66_t.jpg What you think about gadgets? I was wondering what you make of the gadgets we have today? Are you a gadget person? Do you approve of technology? For instances, mobile phones, computers, cars, mp3s, ipods, and shuffles. Some of the disciples don't approve. They say we should sell them all? Give them up, give the money to the poor? But then they still have electricity for their toasters their shavers their kettles. So they confuse...
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Back on the street on the street

posted: 18 Mar 2007 comments: 1category:

1467751-byres_rdwest_end-glasgow.jpg When I was a student at Glasgow, I remember walking down University Avenue, an old dossier approached me and asked me for some money. I insisted that I would take him for a roll and coffee. We duly tramped down to a wee cafe on Byers Road. Just round the corner from where the above picture was taken. I put my companion at a table and went to order. Well you should have heard the abuse I got from the cafe owner. I was told in no uncertain terms with a few sweary words...
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Grace is never cheap.

posted: 16 Mar 2007 comments: 1category:

U2 is hard to beat as a band when it comes to raw emotion and energy. I just love the song entitled "Grace" from the "ALL THAT YOU CAN'T LEAVE BEHIND" Album. I like the clever way that Bono has personified the idea of grace. It is a very biblical idea to take a Godly characteristic and express it through a human being. I think that is what it means when Paul writes, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. Anyway I'm including this piece in the section...
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You can't change the message

posted: 15 Mar 2007 comments: 1category:

Newbigin in his book, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society helps us begin to understand some of the issues we wrestle with as Christians every day in our lives. It's a book worth reading. He reminds us how easy it is to recast the Christian story in terms that we think will make the message more plausible. Many of the 20th century theologians have tried to explain the miracles in the gospels in purely psychological terms. These theologians talk of the miracles as visions...
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