BBC Children in Need - Bounce Higher

posted: 18 Mar 2010 comments: 0category:

[gallery]Life is never too boring when your a minister of the Gospel, especially serving here in Bo'ness St Andrew's. We are truly blessed in this congregation by having a number of quite outstanding people on the staff who are working to deliver our Social Outreach Programme with a heart that truly seeks to serve Christ. Yesterday I was working with Dianne Collins who heads up our Bounce Higher Programme. Our task was to make a start on our next grant...
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Puzzling Cross-words

posted: 12 Mar 2010 comments: 0category:

. Father's thought. Carried on His Breath became a Word formed in flesh The Word was ubiquitous. Too powerful to live in time. Too gracious to refuse to touch the ground. Yet the Word was eternal, as the thought as the breath, that formed life from the ground. On the ground, life muffled, misunderstood, graffitied, strangled, the breath. Deconstructed The Word. Flesh crucified flesh. Wiped out removed crossed...
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The cross is a difficult concept

posted: 9 Mar 2010 comments: 0category:

Among some of the most difficult religious ideas for 21st century people to understand are the reasons given to them for the death of Jesus Christ. We Christians think because we repeat a piece of scripture it will make sense to anyone who hears it or reads it. Now I realise that the Holy Spirit is the great revealer of truth however do we not have a responsibility for the way we communicate? I remember I used to pass an advertising board on the...
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posted: 6 Mar 2010 comments: 5category:

Your Mouse is Fast We all know that we are living in a fast moving world. If we knew just how fast perhaps it would scare us all to death. I guess the greatest impact of speed on all of our lives over the past twenty years has been the meteoric rise of the internet. . The truth is there is nothing much faster than a mouse. Click and your there. Its like a huge big brain that we can all access in order to communicate and with which to communicated. Who would have...
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Are You Taking ““a loan”” out of Lent?

posted: 4 Mar 2010 comments: 1category:

I find it strange that people who never go to church and know very little about the things of the faith want to participate in the idea of giving something up for Lent. I'm sure that there is a sense in which many people feel they have so much and they feel guilty about their prosperity. Giving something up for Lent in many cases is nothing other than tokenism but should we criticise when someone is making a start to think about others rather than themselves? The...
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