Great Examples of Indian Women Leaders.

posted: 5 Aug 2009 comments: 0category:

shanti-and-isobel The last few days just seem to have flown by. I visited the Leprosy Colony at Chengelpod. It's a facinating story how the Colony has been able to develop and survive. It is always a moving scene busting these people. We also spent some time at the Raphe Ministry. The group of women work among sex workers and their families. They have now formed themselves into a church. What an amazing stories these women shared with us yesterday. I'm actually hugely impressed with the...
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Jansi and Freeda and their children's home.

posted: 31 Jul 2009 comments: 0category:

img_1014 India is a busy place. Everyone you see on the street seems to be going some where. Boys and girls dressed in their cotton school uniforms rushing to school. Workers, men and women, carrying great bundles on their heads and backs. Motorcycles moving in and out of cars. Engines reving, horns being blown, it all sounds a bit like a great orchestral piece of music. In the midst of all this movement of people we too make our way out of the city of Chennai to drive for...
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Will The Real Hero Stand Up ?

posted: 22 Jul 2009 comments: 0category:

makola I was just reflecting today that Madeline Makola is quite an amazing person. In the face of all that she endured she is still in one piece and able to let he past go. I guess she is the one qualified to answer the post i made a few days ago surrounding the steam train. Have a listen to her as she speaks to a BBC reporter about her feelings towards the man who locked her in the boot of her car for ten days. It is really worth listening to even if you've heard it...
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Looking For Happiness

posted: 17 Jun 2009 comments: 0category:

Just finished picking the set of songs for my radio show later on today. I love this opportunity to get behind a microphone and share some music and tell stories and speak with my guests. Today's guest is Stuart Murdoch the Baptist minister in the town. I think we'll have a bit of banter. It will be a great show. I hope that Lilias will also be able to join me as part of the production team. Lilias is really chatty and good at answering the emails that come in from...
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A Generous Orthodoxy

posted: 28 May 2009 comments: 1category:

assembly ARCHBISHOP TUTU AT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Certainly history was in the making yesterday morning as the little frail looking man dressed in purple appeared in the play pen. By the end of his address the general Assembly gave him a standing ovation. " Turn the wilderness into a garden of wonderful flowers." He thanked all those who stood with him in the struggle because of themĀ  he said, " we are free today." SPEAKING AND FACING THE TRUTH Well that's me back...
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