19 May 2009 comments:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Here is a short video highlight of tat memorable Summer way back in 2000. We toured round Scotland in a period of 6 days and connected with hundreds of people as we took our multimedia service into cathedrals and churches. Our idea was that we needed to raise funds to get our media project off the ground. in Bo'ness.
Its amazing that 9 years on we have...
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18 May 2009 comments:
It looks as though we might be considering a Scottish Cathedral's Cycle Challenge again ten years on. So keep your ear to the ground. Mike Munro one of our elders has been researching the idea. It was actually a great event. It raised the seed money nine years ago to start the St Andrew's Multimedia Youth Project". When you look back we've achieved a great deal in those years. Much more still has to be done, however I'd like to think that if we do the Cycle...
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3 May 2009 comments:
Creative Stuff, Street Prayers, Culture, Politics, Local/Global Issues, Local, Travels, Music, Songs, Theology, Worship
Just back from Sanctuary First. the theme was all about moving from one space ro another . It was about helping us see that the way to bring about change in the life of the church is to be prepared to make the appropriate sacrifice.
Although it was a Bank Holiday weekend we were delighted to have a number of friends join with us in the worship. We were pomoting the C40 programme. this is our made up Discipleship programme. So if you want to join the Challenge...
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7 Apr 2009 comments:
Well I'm back in in Scotland after a busy couple of weeks moving around Peru. I was glad that Willie insisted that we get seats at the front of the plane. We arrived late into Amsterdam and just reached the checking in gate for Edinburgh before it closed. I don't think either of us could have stuck another six hours in an airport. Anyway big thanks to Willie, he was a great travelling companion, we got on well and I believe we managed to move our projects on a little...
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4 Apr 2009 comments:
Well I've been out of range of WiFi for the past couple of days. This post will serve as my last one from this trip to Peru. I'm sitting in the KLM Business Lounge writing this post. Like all travellers I can't wait to get home.
Yesterday, was just one of those magical days in your life. We left Paul's house just after 6.30am to miss the traffic. We were heading for the airport in Lima to take a flight to Cusco. From Cusco we would travel to the Sacred Valley to a...
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