posted: 13 Nov 2008 comments: 0category:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] I thought this would be a good title to use as our over all theme for Christmas this year. I think many of us wish we could just unplug Christmas and get back to what it is really aall about. I think there is so much light pollution with all the Christmas decorations that it would be hard to see the real star if it were to appear. So maybe we need to switch...
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Bogle Band On The Waverley

posted: 13 Aug 2008 comments: 1category:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] Well you may recall that I mentioned a few weeks ago that the Bogle Band had started gigging again after having a few years off,or as they say in the business "resting". Well here is a short video of the trip we made "doon the watter" and the music in the background is the Bogle Band playing the song "Brave Hearts" live. If you like what your hearing you...
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Mission ? - When some thing is missing!

posted: 16 Jul 2008 comments: 1category:

I came across a fellow blogger while on holiday in Orkney. Andrew Jones is quite a well known writer especially on the topic of the Emerging Church . He was telling me that he set Jonny Baker up with his first blog Anyway I looked up the Skinny Kiwi and found he was writing this week about an article that appeared in the Washington Post about churches in America rethinking their short term mission projects. One church spent over $30,000 in airfares to build a...
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Reflecting on the past

posted: 12 Jul 2008 comments: 0category:

ring-of-brodgar1.jpg Its hard not to be reminded of the imprint past generations have left on the earth, when visiting Orkney. The islands are full of ancient historical sites. Today we visited the Rings of Brodgar. Here is an ancient place where men and women in the ancient mists of time sought to find God. This reaching out to God shows a humility and an intelligence that somehow has by passed many in our self absorbed world. We have now progressed so far that we are even more moral than...
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Look out from where we are

posted: 9 Jul 2008 comments: 1category:

skarabrae-fishing-cottage.jpg I've spent the last few days in Orkney. Its quite a place, amazing sea views. There is nothing quite like a walk along the cliffs. Orkney has a wonderful shoreline. As you walk you become aware of the amazing power of the sea. It is this sea power that can change a coastline. We visited a place called Skarabrae. It is on the southern shore of the Bay o' Skaill, in the West Mainland parish of Sandwick. It is here that the Neolithic village of Skara Brae...
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