Clear your feet - to move on

posted: 5 Jul 2007 comments: 0category:

guitarcycle.JPG So what has the bike and the guitar got in common ? Well you could argue my study? You could say that they both belong to me! Yet maybe the most profound thing is that both have the ability to move you on, from where you are to where you should be. Take a song for instance, often the lyrics help us face the past in such a way, to allow us to change the future. And wheels? Well they move us further than we could ever expect. I've covered thousands of miles on...
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Albert meets Pudsy

posted: 17 May 2007 comments: 0category:

abpudsy.JPG Neil and I visited BBC Scotland's new £188 million headquarters this afternoon. We were guests of BBC Children in Need. Recently SAMYP received an award of £87,000 to develop work among children and families in our community here in Bo'ness. We are looking forward to developing a first class service to children and young families. Already we have seen quite spectacular success over the years in our youth work. This award, is an endorsement of our present work...
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Fresh Coffee

posted: 9 May 2007 comments: 0category:

cup-of-coffee.JPG I'm just thinking, what am I doing here trying to catch a line to find a hook for a talk. Oh I remember, the phone rang about six months ago. "Will you come and speak at our Presbytery Retreat", I said, "yes". Now its 12.30pm and later today I'll be speaking to a group of fellow ministers. Can I say from the outset, this is a very dodgy thing to do. Ministers are not easy to talk to. As I drink another cup of coffee and I'm trying to put together a talk about...
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From Small Acorns

posted: 5 May 2007 comments: 0category:

Willie/Paul I can't believe how quickly time flies. In a less than a week we'll have Paul and Marty Clark with us all the way from Peru. ( Paul is the gentleman standing to the left of Willie, as Willie, makes an impassioned plea to Peruvian business people to support the project.) I'm really looking forward to having Paul and his wife Marty with us here in St Andrew's Bo'ness on Sunday 20th May, he will be with us for two services. We hope that the evening service will...
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Glen Bogle

posted: 10 Apr 2007 comments: 0category:

glenbogle.JPG Despite the rain and the fact that I was shattered. It was up and on the road this morning to walk part of the West Highland Way. Inglston on Easter Sunday evening was still ringing in my ears as we made our way up to Crianlaroch and took a view of Glen Bogle. When I say, Inglston, I'm talking about the Praise Evening entitled "Resurrection" that took place in Edinburgh last night. It was a remarkably good event. Very well attended. I would imagine there must have...
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