posted: 6 Mar 2010 comments: 5category:

Your Mouse is Fast We all know that we are living in a fast moving world. If we knew just how fast perhaps it would scare us all to death. I guess the greatest impact of speed on all of our lives over the past twenty years has been the meteoric rise of the internet. . The truth is there is nothing much faster than a mouse. Click and your there. Its like a huge big brain that we can all access in order to communicate and with which to communicated. Who would have...
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Are You Taking ““a loan”” out of Lent?

posted: 4 Mar 2010 comments: 1category:

I find it strange that people who never go to church and know very little about the things of the faith want to participate in the idea of giving something up for Lent. I'm sure that there is a sense in which many people feel they have so much and they feel guilty about their prosperity. Giving something up for Lent in many cases is nothing other than tokenism but should we criticise when someone is making a start to think about others rather than themselves? The...
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Something To Remember

posted: 24 Feb 2010 comments: 1category:

I came across this quote from Mother Theresa I thought it was worth noting. "People are often, unreasonable, illogical, and self- centred Forgive them anyway If you are kind people may acuse you of selfish ulterior motive. Be kind anyway If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies Succeed anyway If you are honest and frank people may cheat you. Be honest and frank anyway The good you do today people will...
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Do You Know Who You Are?

posted: 23 Feb 2010 comments: 0category:

Recently i've met so many people who are just struggling to stay on their feet, but they want so much more from life. They don't want to give up but hey don't know how to stay up. This post is for them. Holding your nerve. Getting up in the morning to face the day. Engaging with the everyday issues of living, these experiences can sometime be overwhelming. There are times when we're not even sure who we are. To often we're trying too hard to please this person and...
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Engaging with God and Others - Enter Sancruary First.

posted: 20 Feb 2010 comments: 0category:

Just back from spending an overnight at St Mary's Momastery, Kinoull, Perthshire. As part of the Sanctuary First development group we were working. It was a really enjoyable time. I'm sure we've made some good progress. We talked a lot last night Thinking out loud Maybe too loud Questioning What would be allowed Searching Trying to reach out To touch To grasp ideas beyond us. All of us were looking for a voice From within Our voice Your...
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