20 Feb 2010 comments:
Just back from spending an overnight at St Mary's Momastery, Kinoull, Perthshire. As part of the Sanctuary First development group we were working. It was a really enjoyable time. I'm sure we've made some good progress.
We talked a lot last night
Thinking out loud
Maybe too loud
What would be allowed
Trying to reach out
To touch
To grasp
ideas beyond us.
All of us were looking for a voice
From within
Our voice
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10 Jan 2010 comments:
For those of you who were looking forward to Sanctuary First on 10 January in Bo'ness I hope you'll be able to attend the next one. Perhaps the poor weather will give us an opportunity to develop the theme and make it even more interesting. The theme that we've chosen for Sanctuary First is based on the message of Jesus to the church at Sardis. It was a wake up call.
Here's a wee poem I wrote for the service . Its entitled " Dead men Walking dead men Walking I hope...
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18 Dec 2009 comments:
I had an interesting start to the day. I went in search of Alan Stewart farmer and road haulier. I've known Alan's family for many years. I wanted to meet up with a real life person connected with the business of sheep farming in order to make a podcast for Sanctuary First. When I finally tracked him down he was busy on the mobile sorting out the many deals he has to negotiate each day as he plans the movememnt of sheep from one part of the country to the other. He...
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3 Dec 2009 comments:
My moble rang- the voice on the other end of the phone was inquiring if I still had a use for the empty Woolwoth store in Bo'ness. I had left a note of interest in the property about five weeks ago. To be perfectly honest I had moved on from the idea and I was preparing for Christmas without Woolworth. Having received the call the question now running through my mind was could we put together a Christmas use for the store in such a short time?
After the meeting...
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5 Sep 2009 comments:
I'm trying to kept a promise I made to someone in India when I was there a few weeks ago. So I'm in Edinburgh this afternoon on church business meeting people at the central church offices. Its a busy place, even more so just at the end of the Festival. Its a cold damp lunchtime. I walk along George Street and suddenly I realise I've just walked past a beggar who was sitting on the street outside a restaurant. I was past him before it registered. Then you have this...
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