10 Dec 2008 comments:
Recently you may have picked up on the news that the Vatican have forgiven John Lennon for the comments he made as a young man about Jesus. He said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. This was in the mid 60s and I remember as a teenager thinking :Aye your right" I never took it as a slight on Jesus I just took it that it was meant to be a point of information. Anyway John is rehabilitated. Not that I think he would lose any sleep over the issue. Lennon was...
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10 Dec 2008 comments:
We're getting all geared up to start shooting the St Andrew's Christmas Movie. This year the script has been written by Iain Jamieson and it looks pretty good. Anyway over the next few weeks the blog is going to take on a Christmas look just to get you all into the frame of mind for Christmas.
So to begin with, I thought I might encourage you to think about Christmas from a different perspective h have a listen to this short story written by Iain Jamieson and narrated...
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5 Nov 2008 comments:
Today has been an interesting day. It was really very touching to see so many people turn up to place their crosses in the little Garden of Remembrance at the church. People of all ages took part in the service. It was truly moving to hear people tell their stories about their crosses. Over the next few days I hope that many more people will come to the church and put crosses in the Garden. I hope that all this will help breathe new life into our Sunday Remembrance...
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3 Nov 2008 comments:
I was speaking to someone at the end of last week. We ended up talking about the fact that God often uses the things in our lives that we are ashamed of to make us into better people. The cracks and the scars still remain but they make us more valuable.
I told the person this story. When I was a young minister i used to take my daughter out on some of my parish visits. One day an elderly lady gave SJ a present. It was a dolls cup and saucer, one that she had when...
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23 Oct 2008 comments:
The Lord's Prayer has much to teach us about the character and nature of God. Recently I've been thinking how relevant the phrase "forgive us our debts' is for all of us as we approach Christmas. Here's a video we made a couple of years ago. It has something to say to us in the middle of a credit crunch or should I say recession.
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