17 Mar 2007 comments:
Since I was a wee boy, Billy Graham has fascinated me. I got the privilege to go a few years ago with a group of church leaders from Scotland to visit the Billy Graham Centre in Charlotte. I made a video when I was there of the town itself. If I can dig it out I might put it up.
Anyway I was interested in an e-mail that arrived in my box, from a fellow minister, yesterday about Billy Graham and what could be his last preaching engagement. In truth I think Graham...
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15 Mar 2007 comments:
Newbigin in his book, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society helps us begin to understand some of the issues we wrestle with as Christians every day in our lives. It's a book worth reading. He reminds us how easy it is to recast the Christian story in terms that we think will make the message more plausible. Many of the 20th century theologians have tried to explain the miracles in the gospels in purely psychological terms. These theologians talk of the miracles as visions...
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13 Mar 2007 comments:
Its a funny old world, they say you become more conservative as you get older. I think it's happening the other way round for me. It's not that I'm buying into the trendy political morality of 21st century Blairite Britain. I just think that it is important to constantly reflect upon the way things are now rather than the way things used to be. Nuclear weapons is an example. I could just about understand why successive governments during the cold war advocated the...
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2 Mar 2007 comments:
Well the phone rang, it was 8.30 am in the morning. When the phone rings in the manse at that time it is usually the undertaker. Surprise! It wasn't. It was Marcus. "How'd you like come flying with me this morning?" I looked in the diary it was free, I said yes, and before long I was air born.
I enjoyed a great morning flying around central Scotland. It was interesting seeing Marcus the pilot check out his aircraft. he had his flight map laid out in detail. We were...
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