14 May 2012 comments:
In a few days time my life will change at least for the next year that is if the General Assembly accept me as their Moderator. So we started moving into the Moderator's flat this weekend. You know its strange packing up and leaving the house you've lived in for over 30 years. I'm just glad I know the people who are moving in next. Taking things with you that remind you of home are so important. It got me thinking of the thousands of refugees who have to pack up and go...
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22 Mar 2012 comments:
[youtube][/youtube]Here's an interesting story that's going around the internet. Dave Carroll a country and western singer had his guitar badly damaged while travelling on a United Airlines flight. When he tried to claim the company they refused to listen to his story, gave him a hard time and dismissed his claim as not eligible. Well Dave was so insensed that he wrote a song, put it on YouTube and 11 million hits later United...
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20 Mar 2012 comments:
This article is a response to the meditation found on the front page of
A few years ago I came across the term "keek a boo" theology. It is all about understanding the hidden yet revealed nature of God.
We have all played the game "hide and seek", "keek a boo" theology highlights one aspect of this encounter. We have all seen a father or a mother hide behind a curtain the quickly appear, hide, then appear. the child keeps looking in...
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28 Feb 2012 comments:
Everything happens in God's time. I locked the door of the church last night and handed the congregation over to the leadership of my good friend Peter Neilson. What a great day of celebration Sunday turned out to be. First of all it was wonderful to have Elisa back again on the keyboards and Jimmy and Ian back to help with the worship. We are blessed with our current worship group Graeme Trudie and Craig however having some additional musicians added to the excitement...
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17 Feb 2012 comments:
I'm pretty cheesed off today. Well I had a pretty good day until I was told that BBC Scotland intend to axe the Saturday morning Janice Forsyth Show. This may seem to those who don't listen to Janice on a Saturday morning to be the way of the world. Nothing stays the same, radio programme come and radio programmes go. Well the thing is this is no ordinary radio programme. Janice Forsyth is quite an extra-ordinary presenter. She is funny,intelligent,informed and...
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