15 Aug 2014 comments:
It seems a long time since Jubilee Hope left the Clyde on the 22nd January 2014 to set sail on the first leg of her journey to Mombasa in Kenya. A lot of hard work and preparation has gone into making the ship ready for its long voyage of over 8,500 miles. I remember going to look at the ship before we bought it when it was the Dunster I think it was at Goole in 2010. I was commissioned to take pictures. I remember rowing around the ship in a rubber dingy taking...
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18 Apr 2014 comments:
Today was a glorious day. A small number of us from various churches in the town walked around Bo'ness with a large cross. It was quite a special experience. The sun was shining the sky was blue and the conversations we were having were interesting and at times challenging.
We had a number of opportunities to stop and speak with people on the road. We even prayed with a man who shared with us that he had an alcohol problem and was looking for help. We were able to...
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22 Apr 2013 comments:
Last Saturday I was welcomed to the Presbytery of Ardrossan. Around fifty people gathered for a meal and I had an opportunity to speak with the Presbytery about the challenges facing the Church today.
One of our greatest comforts is to believe that our Lord still journey's with the Church. So often I encounter church members who seem to have forgotten that the Holy Spirit is part of the guarantee that we are no alone. When you hear them talk they do so with fear and...
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10 Dec 2012 comments:
Its late Sunday afternoon we've had the family for lunch and managed to erect the Christmas tree. We still like to have our family round to help decorate the tree. Its a great time of laughter and fun and hilarity. It doesn't matter how old your children are they're all kids at heart. Today the big hunt was on for the angel with the punk rock hairstyle. Yes we normally have an angel on the tree with a punk rock haircut. I don't think I've ever noticed before but...
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4 Dec 2012 comments:
I'm hoping to encourage ministers all round the country to start wearing their clerical collars during the weeks running up to Christmas. I believe that the clerical collar gives all of us who are ministers of Word and Sacrament an opportunity to bring faith into the market place.
Over the years I've discovered that many opportunities arise allowing me to speak to people informally on the street about Christ because I'm wearing a collar. So I'm inviting my fellow...
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