15 Sep 2012 comments:
I arrived back in Orkney on Thursday morning. It all seems a bit of a dream. I guess it's because you are moving from one meeting tithe next. This was the day to meet the Convener of the Council Stephen Heddle and the Depute Chief Executive Leslie Manson. I believe meetings like these are very important. it gives me as Moderator an opportunity to explain the possible partnerships that can be developed between Church and Council. this proved to be a very productive...
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13 Sep 2012 comments:
This year I have chosen mission as my theme to speak about as I travel around the country. Here is a summary of the kind of things I am saying.
Mission is at the heart of the church because mission is at the heart of God himself. When we speak of mission we should realise that it is not something the church does as an added extra. It is not something for simply enthusiasts to participate in ; mission is in the DNA of the church it should be as natural as...
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28 Aug 2012 comments:
Monday morning 27 August.
We had just finished breakfast, Martha looked at me and said, " its quarter to nine,they'll be here soon! " at that moment the door bell rang from then on in I knew these people are serious, organised, and ready to get on with their work. i refer to Crossreach, the Church of Scotland's social care Charity. For the next week we're going to be visiting a whole range of programmes and projects which employ collectively over 2,000 members of...
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23 Jun 2012 comments:
If only my father could have seen me the other day standing here beside a huge tractor. My father was a plough boy at the age of twelve. He was someone who was always connected to the land. The soil was in his blood you might say. The one thing he detested was tractors. He believed that they were too big and heavy and that they would affect the quality of the soil over the years. For him there was nothing better than the horses pulling the plough.
We've moved on from...
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31 May 2012 comments:
Being a minister of the Gospel is a great privilege. Yesterday I had the unique opportunity to preach at the Scottish War Memorial in Edinburgh Castle. This is a service that takes place every year. It is a chance to remember and support in prayer all those who carry with them the wounds and scars of war and who feel the loss and pain of bereavement. It is a special service in that it seeks to highlight Scots who have given the greatest sacrifice of all. While there is...
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