Get Read Get Set TEXT Bible 40 to 80806

posted: 3 May 2009 comments: 4category:

img_0714 Just back from Sanctuary First. the theme was all about moving from one space ro another . It was about helping us see that the way to  bring about change in the life of the church is to be prepared to make the appropriate sacrifice. Although it was a Bank Holiday weekend we were delighted to have a number of friends join with us in the worship.  We were pomoting the C40 programme. this is our made up Discipleship programme. So if you want to join the Challenge...
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Go on make church a happy place.

posted: 4 Mar 2009 comments: 7category:

I'm hoping to get a new picture up on the blog maybe this week. But you know something they tell me its going to snow tonight. So maybe `I should wait another week. Its good to begin to hear feedback about the Lenten Groups that started up and also that others are finding the texting service encouraging. I've been thinking we need to make church a welcoming and engaging experience. So I'm thinking about offering coffee and doughnuts to the congregation as they come in on...
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posted: 2 Jan 2009 comments: 0category:

Its the second day in the new year and war seems to be round the corner for the Palastinians and the Israelis. Have a look at this Rueters web page my heart goes out to such people caught up in the middle of years of mistrust and injustice on both sides. I'm wondering where Tony Blair is in all this? I thought he was the special emissary in the middle east? I haven't heard his name mentioned once in the news. I wonder of Israel and Hamas are escalating all this...
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Imagine Jesus said - "... and no religion too"

posted: 10 Dec 2008 comments: 9category:

Recently you may have picked up on the news that the Vatican have forgiven John Lennon for the comments he made as a young man about Jesus. He said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. This was in the mid 60s and I remember as a teenager thinking :Aye your right" I never took it as a slight on Jesus I just took it that it was meant to be a point of information. Anyway John is rehabilitated. Not that I think he would lose any sleep over the issue. Lennon was...
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John On The Hill

posted: 10 Dec 2008 comments: 0category:

We're getting all geared up to start shooting the St Andrew's Christmas Movie. This year the script has been written by Iain Jamieson and it looks pretty good. Anyway over the next few weeks the blog is going to take on a Christmas look just to get you all into the frame of mind for Christmas. So to begin with, I thought I might encourage you to think about Christmas from a different perspective h have a listen to this short story written by Iain Jamieson and narrated...
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