Structures Can't Change Decline

posted: 24 Aug 2008 comments: 1category:

Here we are talking about structures again. However the right structures can give to everyone a sense of freedom as well as security. I just wish the way we ordered Church in the Church of Scotland released us into freedom and community. Too much of our structures are centred around business meetings rather than the love feast. we celebrate business more than we celebrate the eucharist. It is this image of a business structure that has shaped the identity of the...
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The Servant Leader.

posted: 22 Aug 2008 comments: 0category:

I've been thinking about the role of leadership , in the light of Nehemiah and especially, when an organisation, like St Andrew's is in the middle of restructuring. One of the differences between the church leader today and Nehemiah's time is that we have the encouragement of the scriptures and perhaps a greater awareness of what it means to be " The One and the Many in Christ" In other words the teaching found in 1 Corinthians 12 under pins and helps to...
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When Olympia meet Omega

posted: 9 Aug 2008 comments: 1category:

Olympics Area It won't belong before the children are all back at school. On Monday our Holiday Club for children starts. The theme is very topical this year, we are looking at the Olympics. you know what it could get complicated. Like thousands of others throughout the UK we are using Scripture Union Holiday Club material. So what will make our Holiday Club unique, apart from the brilliant children who will attend and the superb quality of leaders? What will make our club stand...
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Reflecting on the past

posted: 12 Jul 2008 comments: 0category:

ring-of-brodgar1.jpg Its hard not to be reminded of the imprint past generations have left on the earth, when visiting Orkney. The islands are full of ancient historical sites. Today we visited the Rings of Brodgar. Here is an ancient place where men and women in the ancient mists of time sought to find God. This reaching out to God shows a humility and an intelligence that somehow has by passed many in our self absorbed world. We have now progressed so far that we are even more moral than...
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posted: 18 Apr 2008 comments: 1category:

dsc00515.jpg When the Special Commission was writing the CWW Report in 2001 we thought about submitting a report to the General consisting of the following four words, Jesus said, follow me! Follow Me! You said. It was more than words, I thought. If your leaving on a jet I could be tempted! How I wish You did call me to follow. Just to be going somewhere. To be leaving. To be getting ready. To be packing a suit case. To be packing a bag. The only packing I do is...
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