Is it a lampost a tree or a man's face?

posted: 6 Dec 2009 comments: 0category:

img_1527 I heard a story about a wee boy who visited a Presbyterian church for the first time. He had been used to worshipping as a Roman Catholic. On arrival in the church he asked his mother "What's happened to Jesus?" He was of course looking at an empty cross. For him it was the crucified Christ that he had been taught to meditate upon. Indeed the crucified Christ had dominated his thinking. many see this image as being destructive because it instills a feeling of guilt...
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Could Woolies Open Again ?

posted: 3 Dec 2009 comments: 1category:

woolies-boness My moble rang- the voice on the other end of the phone was inquiring if I still had a use for the empty Woolwoth store in Bo'ness. I had left a note of interest in the property about five weeks ago. To be perfectly honest I had moved on from the idea and I was preparing for Christmas without Woolworth. Having received the call the question now running through my mind was could we put together a Christmas use for the store in such a short time? After the meeting...
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The hidden meaning in Christmas and the Cross

posted: 1 Dec 2009 comments: 1category:

img_1518 Today is damp dark and a bit gloomy. Yesterday was a beautiful Winter's day. The sun was shining brightly as I drove to the crematorium. Such beauty in the middle of sadness. Sometimes I wish the weather would match the things I have to do. When I feel sad lets have rain, and when I feel happy lets have sunshine! However the day ended with the discovery of these wonderfully red holly berries. For some reason I was drawn to think about the cross of Christ. The red...
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Stuck in Reverse

posted: 28 Nov 2009 comments: 0category:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] Don't give up - there is always a way to fix things. If your in a bad place at the moment watch this little video clip it brought a tear to my eye. All of us at sometime in life get stuck in reverse. Instead of going forward everthing seems to be going backwards. We have all made decisions and said things that we wish we could change. Getting unstuck is what...
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Flying the Flag

posted: 24 Nov 2009 comments: 0category:

img_0320 Before I get shopped from somewhere else let me explain the pictures that I posted yesterday of Grangemouth Refinery were googled. I went looking for the pics I took in early September couldn't find them they must have been deleted from my phone. Anyway things are getting ready over here for the St Andrew's Day Celebrations this Sunday. We've got the Salire flag flying. I hought some of you'd like to see the view from the church tower. Its really quite impressive. And...
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