posted: 18 Apr 2008 comments: 1category:

dsc00515.jpg When the Special Commission was writing the CWW Report in 2001 we thought about submitting a report to the General consisting of the following four words, Jesus said, follow me! Follow Me! You said. It was more than words, I thought. If your leaving on a jet I could be tempted! How I wish You did call me to follow. Just to be going somewhere. To be leaving. To be getting ready. To be packing a suit case. To be packing a bag. The only packing I do is...
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CWW National Gathering Update

posted: 18 Apr 2008 comments: 2category:

imga08781.jpg  In just under three weeks the National Gathering will take place at Ingilston.  I'm hoping that we're going to see thousands of people turn up to engage with the thinking behind Church Without Walls. The real success will be when they go back to their communities and begin to put some of the ideas they've heard about into practice. I'm encouraged that more and more of the story telling  tents are being sold.  To date we have sold around 170 this means we will have...
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In search of a monster

posted: 15 Apr 2008 comments: 0category:

urquhart.jpg Life as iTalker has been almost dead, I've not been writing a lot. I guess I've been a bit preoccupied with the CWW Planning.  Getting ready for 10,000 at Ingliston, is a monstrous task, so last week it was time for a rest. Time to chill out and do something different. So Mrs iTalker and myself went off in to the Highlands in search of the Loch Ness monster. The weather was bit cold when we started out but the last few days were pretty good and today was glorious as we...
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Success stories are not always about the successful

posted: 4 Apr 2008 comments: 0category:

Some of you will know that I've been given time off from my parish duties to focus on the CWW National Gathering at Ingliston on 3 and 4 May this year. I've been doing a bit of travelling around the country encouraging church leaders to get involved in this motivational weekend. We're planning the biggest Christian event in Scotland for a number of years. the theme of the weekend it all about transition. the strap line is " All that you can't leave behind"....
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Time to say thank you

posted: 24 Mar 2008 comments: 0category:

We had a wonderful creative Easter here in Bo'ness. I just want to pay tribute to a brilliant team of people who put together the Easter services and all the other reflective events many of which involved creative media. The chancel murals are quite outstanding thanks to the creative work of Rae and Heather and the back up team hat sorted the pulleys so that the paints could come up and down on a weekly basis. Thank you to all who helped with the Labyrinth. have a look...
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