10 Jun 2007 comments:
St Andrew's Bo'ness was packed to capacity last night as every part of the church was filled with a very diverse looking group of people. The audience was lined up in the street waiting to get into the church. This was the 3rd annual Jazz evening put together, by Marcus Ford, one of Scotland's top guitarists in aid of the work of the Vine Trust. Marcus has been working closely with singer Erica Bonnar to put on an absolute spell binding evening of Jazz standards....
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8 Jun 2007 comments:
I do believe we're making progress with CWW. The Ingliston gig is beginning to shape up to be something quite special. I had a session arranged with Peter Gardner this morning. We bumped into each other in the Starbucks in George Street, we both had the same idea, to grab a coffee before the meeting. Peter is an amazingly talented guy with great ideas. I wanted to pick his brains on how to turn an 8000 square meter hanger into an attractive space. A tall order, but...
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7 Jun 2007 comments:
This is the week when old rockers like myself are reminded that it was 40 years go since Sergeant Pepper was released. So where did all the days in that life go? I remember thinking this is brillant. I don't think I had ever heard anything quite like it. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Let me tell you about my day 40 years on. I write a small column for the local newspaper every week. I try...
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4 Jun 2007 comments:
I've started preaching through the book of Ephesians this Summer. This week I tackled chapter 1 verses 15-22. This is really quite an amazing epistle. I used the following clip from the film title at the top of this post, to illustrate that hope is currency that helps us journey in faith. We are all prisoners to our own fear. It is only when we dare believe that God is in the business of bringing good out of bad things that we can begin to trust His promises. Red had...
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1 Jun 2007 comments:
Now what has a Police Box got to do with the above event? Well just watch and learn and see how you can manipulate pictures to have a relevance to your story. The newspapers do it all the time. iTalker is not called this for nothing. The plans for CWW National Event 2008 are beginning to take shape.
I spent most of yesterday at meeting in the church's central offices taking the plans a little further. We've got a great title for the event. " All you can't leave...
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