19 Sep 2010 comments:
Here i am once again flying a kite as we think a bit more about the reform of Presbyteries. During the past few years it seems to me that there is a mood in the church to be more relational than legal. This leads us to think about structures and functions that are based on trust and relationships rather than legal authority.
True worship is surely an act of the heart in response to love and forgiveness not an act of duty or even an act of obedience. In so many...
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13 Aug 2010 comments:
As we all face the possibility of greater numbers of unemployed people due to the present economic downturn. Does this mean that work is defined simply by employment? As christians should we be encourageing more people to think about an intigrated life of service.
For the past couple of Sunday evenings I've been preaching about the importance of having a good life balance. I know some people might think that I'm a workaholic and that perhaps I should be taking the...
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31 Jul 2010 comments:
Over the next few Sundays the themes of Sunday worship will centre around the stories of creation in the Bible. In the morning services we will seek to find a Christian response to the seemingly hopeless misuse of the earth's resources. In the evening services we will start a new series centred around the importance of work and its purpose in our lives. I think this will be an interesting exercise as I intend to also use the themes and the prayers mentioned on the...
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13 Jul 2010 comments:
Here is sanctuary
Gulls are singing praise to God
Stone and wood
Touch earth and sky with grace
The river laps the sand with ease
Ancient sounds of monks are heard in the breeze
Singing songs and chants of praise
Holy Holy is the Lord
Colm's island speaks of God
Hermit prayers can still be heard
Saints and sinners voices cry
Amidst the ruins of our time
Forgive our sins, redeem our lives
We cry for sanctuary
Prayer never ceases it cannot die
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12 Jul 2010 comments:
Robert Calvert, in an article written for the Lausanne Conversation entitled " Secularity: Dogma meets Diversity in Europe", makes the following comment," The challenge of secularity is to make the case for the truth of Christ in societies that are pluralistic and globalized and to build the peace of Christ in societies that are broken and divided. Evangelical Christians, who need to critically engage rather than to escape the challenge of this secular age, are...
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