Effective Faith Sharing in the Workplace

posted: 23 Jan 2010 comments: 1category:

Following on from my last post. I wonder if the Christian Community in he UK and in Scotland needs to be more pro-active to support and encourage Christians to live out the Gospel in the workplace. I really don't think we need to be over zealous and be "in people's face" because there are always natural opportunities to talk about faith issues where ever you find yourself. Take for instance a conversation I had with someone trecently about disabled parking spaces. They...
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Do we define the space or does the space define us?

posted: 20 Jan 2010 comments: 1category:

I was walking past a couple of elders as they talked in church on Sunday . I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. They were talking to each other about the challenges that face them in the workplace. I stopped and listened to them as they began to share with me some of the issues that face them as Christians at work. One of them said to me " I feel like two different people there's the professional me and then there is the guilty Christian me" It got me...
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Being is Communion

posted: 17 Jan 2010 comments: 0category:

[quicktime]http://video.standonline.org.uk/blogs/COMMUNIONsmall.mov[/quicktime]Today is Communion Sunday at St Andrew's Bo'ness. For some of you who don't know too much about the Church of Scotland you might be a little surprised. For you every Sunday is Communion Sunday. Well in the Church of Scotland most congregations celebrate Communion four times a year. In more recent times some congregations have also added a monthly evening Communion Service. The question...
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WAKE UP CHURCH - We Need New Skins

posted: 10 Jan 2010 comments: 0category:

The Escalator For those of you who were looking forward to Sanctuary First on 10 January in Bo'ness I hope you'll be able to attend the next one. Perhaps the poor weather will give us an opportunity to develop the theme and make it even more interesting. The theme that we've chosen for Sanctuary First is based on the message of Jesus to the church at Sardis. It was a wake up call. Here's a wee poem I wrote for the service . Its entitled " Dead men Walking dead men Walking I hope...
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Getting Connected

posted: 8 Jan 2010 comments: 0category:

Sunday coming is "Discipleship Sunday" just hope that the icy weather doesn't prevent people from coming to church on Sunday morning. The Kirk Session are encouraging everyone in the congregation to "Get Connected" The idea is members of the congregation be encouraged to join a group that has a special interest for them. For example young mothers and fathers might get together to form a groups to look at how we nurture faith in the young. There might be an interest for...
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