28 Jun 2007 comments:
In the day that Gordon Brown became Prime Minister the people of Bo'ness are more interested in their local Children's Fair. Bo'ness is quite vibrant at this time of the year leading up to the annual Children's Fair. Our street, where we live, will be mobbed with literally thousands of people tomorrow night. They will all be making their way round the various arches. It is for this reason that the pressure is on to get the garden in tip top shape. Many thanks to...
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25 Jun 2007 comments:
Well I had a great time today. This week I'm presenting "Beam into Bogle" on ValleyFM all this week from 9.00am -10.00am. It's great having your own radio show.I really enjoyed playing my tunes this morning. I try to have a guest in the studio every day. I was glad to have Neil McLennan, the station manager, around this morning to ease me into the way of things. Tomorrow my guest is Cathy Peattie MSP. I'm looking forward to chatting with Cathy and getting her views...
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30 May 2007 comments:
Following on from the visit to the Transport Museum last Monday, it was truly a walk down memory lane for me. The sight of this Standard Vanguard car, reminded me of Summer evenings organised by our Junior Bible Class Leader Glen Laing. He used to dress like a gangster wearing suits with big wide collars and flamboyant ties. He'd load a bunch of young guys in this car and take us out to the countryside for what we used to call a ramble, the truth is it was more like...
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15 May 2007 comments:
Interesting comment made by Paul, regarding the last post I made. His comment links to more info about the whole scientology organisation that I made mention of a couple of nights ago. I saw the Panorama programme, eventually last night, and it was scary. It is pretty clear that scientology doesn't like people messing with them. Anyway I doubt if my two lines of criticism will create a major spam attack on my blog. However all this got me thinking how easy it is to...
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14 May 2007 comments:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]BBC Panorama are broadcasting a programme tomorrow night highlighting a number of disturbing facts about the Church of Scientology. I hope I can watch the programme I think it will be interesting. It would appear that the BBC veteran reporter John Sweeney lost his cool with the people from the church. Here is a disturbing clip of Sweeney, who appears to just loose...
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