13 Feb 2015 comments:
I wonder if you noticed the coverage in the papers yesterday about the launch of the Churhes Mutual Credit Union. A number of the newspaper articles had headlines suggesting that the Churches involved in this new venture were taking on the Wonga's of this world. The truth is this project is a long way from moving into the same market as Wonga. Indeed Credit Unions operate under completely different finanicial rules. However it is a clear strategic move by the churches...
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4 Feb 2015 comments:
I've been trying to iron out some of the technical issues that seem to face me when I write this blog. However for the past few months it has felt like I'm getting nowhere. So I end up frustrated and give up and leave the study. Hence the spasmodic writing of articles. Somehow the software never seems to do what I want.
This morning I was in the Sanctus Media office and this gave me a chance to speak to Owen who is our web designer. After a short conversation and a...
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15 Aug 2014 comments:
Streets are busy
shoes on ground
sandals on feet
running late
feeling well grounded.
Hoping to meet the unexpected
in a new idea
in a different mood
in a familiar place
while reading an unfamiliar face
Hands hold drinks
glasses clink
sun glasses reflect the sky
food is cooked
stories are told
songs are sung
dancers turn and spin
pictures are painted
art displayed stretches the truth
Everyone is telling a story
in different ways.
Its festival...
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18 Apr 2014 comments:
Today was a glorious day. A small number of us from various churches in the town walked around Bo'ness with a large cross. It was quite a special experience. The sun was shining the sky was blue and the conversations we were having were interesting and at times challenging.
We had a number of opportunities to stop and speak with people on the road. We even prayed with a man who shared with us that he had an alcohol problem and was looking for help. We were able to...
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29 Jan 2014 comments:
In my last post I was talking about a number of 'firsts' that I’ve been involved with recently. Well, the next 'first' I want to talk about is the launch of the 'Sanctuary First App'. I'm delighted that the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland launched the App from St Andrew's Church in Bo'ness last Sunday evening.
I believe we may well be the first church or certainly among the first in Scotland to launch an App. Sanctuary First is designed...
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