23 Aug 2011 comments:
I believe the powers that be in Philadelphia are not too pleased, to say the least, that Brad Pitt's potential blockbuster, "World War Z is being filmed here in Scotland. So why did he not use Philadelphia? Well from what I can read it would appear that the City of Philadelphia dithered when it came to making the deal. I believe in the end it came down to finance. Glasgow offered a better deal. The fact is Glasgow;s city centre is laid out in squares not dis-simmilar...
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13 Aug 2011 comments:
I can never forget the picture that I saw on a Mega Church wall on one of my visits to the United States. It simply read " You Build It : They Will Come." Underneath was a picture of Noah waiting for the animals to arrive. It has stayed in my mind because I fear that too often we church leaders all play safe. We want the people to come to whatever we're building before we've built the Ark.
However we know it doesn't work like that . People only come when they...
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22 Jul 2011 comments:
"Taoiseach Enda Kenny who told the Dail yesterday that the culture of the Vatican was dominated by 'dysfunction, disconnection, elitism, the narcissism'. Photo: Dara Mac Donaillaoiseach Enda Kenny (file). Photo: Dara Mac Donaill"
Recently in the blog I've been highlighting the corruption in all our major Institutions, police, banking, journalism and parliament. To find it in the institution of the church should be no surprise. To have it highlighted this...
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13 Jul 2011 comments:
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I watched BBC Newsnight once again dissecting the the fall out of the News International scandal. Its getting to the stage of being ridiculous, so much important news being missed or not reported in depth. Anyway at the end of one interview the question was asked what is happening to all of our Institutions in the UK? Almost everyone one of them at some point in the past few years has been seen to fall short of moral fibre. No one answered the...
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25 Jun 2011 comments:
We live in quite a unique little town. Now I know that many people think the same about where they live. And I think its only right that they should . Looking at the community in which you live and celebrating the good things about that community must surely add to what the social commentators will call, social and community cohesion. Certainly the annual Bo'ness Fair does just that. There is no doubt that many in our town feel there are aspects of the Fair that need...
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