21 May 2011 comments:
I've just spent the last hour watching a programme on BBC Channel 4 all about the life and times of Bob Dylan. It made me cast my mind back to the first time I heard about Dylan. I think I was in 2nd year at Secondary School. I was talking about music to a classmate, I think it might have been Sam Elder. He told me about this singer called Dylan. He said he was a poet and that he had something to say. As the General Assembly meets this week would the average...
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26 Apr 2011 comments:
Easter is still ringing in my ears I can still hear the words Halle, halle, halle, running through my head and its now Tuesday. What a great service we had ob Sunday why not check it out . It was great to see the church packed and everyone participating. I'm always indebted to the people who go out of their way to make easter such a special time. This year was no exception. So thank you all you great people who gave so much over the past few days from film making to...
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22 Apr 2011 comments:
Today I met up with Russell McLarty, the Interim minister at Edinburgh's St Andrew's and St George's Church of Scotland. We had arranged a few weeks ago to take the bread and wine,two of the most powerful symbols of the Gospel out into George Street. Many people passed by and ignored the invitation others were polite as they explained they had to be somewhere by a certain time.
One particular man stopped and said he was Jewish, then with a smile he added "we've...
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3 Apr 2011 comments:
The last few days have been pretty busy. On Thursday last the church was packed to capacity as people from all walks if life attended the funeral of John Constable who was one of our local councillors and also for many a local hero and mentor. He was someone who passionately believed in his political cause and lived to see some of his dreams achieved. The refurbishment of the Bo'ness Hippodrome was one of the causes he put his political influence behind. He worked...
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28 Mar 2011 comments:
We had an excellent service this evening at church. the theme of the service was centred around the women who followed Jesus. We found ourselves thinking about the kind of man Jesus would have been. Russell McLarty got us all thinking about the "Laughing Jesus" He suggested that too often we have allowed images that depict a solemn and somber Jesus to influence the way we think about Jesus and also about our Christianity.
I was reminded of a quote I once read...
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