20 Jan 2011 comments:
You'll have noticed that I've been making one or two comments on the blog about the 400th Anniversary of the King James version of the Bible. Its actually been quite wonderful to begin to rediscover the shear wonder and magic of the language especially when it is read out loud in church. We've been doing this in St Andrew's Bo'ness to highlight the 400th Anniversary of this particular version. Its a book...
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5 Jan 2011 comments:
I thought I'd remind you what was on sale 100 years ago to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the King James version of the Bible. My mother in law bought it at a church jumble sale over 25 years ago and she gave it to me as a present. Yes tits a little miniature Bible chained to a lectern. It is so cool because you can even read it.
This year sees the church in the UK celebrating the 400th Anniversary of this book which has shaped and changed the world. I...
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4 Jan 2011 comments:
So how do you keep your faith alive as a minister through the hard times? How do you keep writing ? How do you keep going when you see others falling away? How do you sustain the strength to keep going when people who once travelled with you turn aside? How do you survive the disappointments, the criticisms from people who should know better. How do you continue to minister when there appears to be such an increase in secularity both within and without the church....
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3 Jan 2011 comments:
This year sees the 400th Anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible, or the Authorised Version as it has come to be known. For those who have never or seldom read this version it is well worth checking it out. I've decided we will read a portion from this version at St Andrew's Bo'ness publicly every Sunday during the coming year as part of our worship . I know there are parts of it which sound unintelligible but there are so many wonderful memorable sections...
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1 Jan 2011 comments:
O Lord,
It's a new day
It's a new dawn
Can I have a new start
I'd like to start from the inside out
You know not so much style more substance
So could I please have a new attitude?
Help me be the change maker
in my family
in my workplace
in my church
Among my friends
Guard my lips
Teach me how to listen
Not only to others but to myself
It's not what I say that causes offence
Its how I say it
One more thing
I'm sorry about my prayer life
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