22 Mar 2012 comments:
[youtube][/youtube]Here's an interesting story that's going around the internet. Dave Carroll a country and western singer had his guitar badly damaged while travelling on a United Airlines flight. When he tried to claim the company they refused to listen to his story, gave him a hard time and dismissed his claim as not eligible. Well Dave was so insensed that he wrote a song, put it on YouTube and 11 million hits later United...
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28 Feb 2012 comments:
Everything happens in God's time. I locked the door of the church last night and handed the congregation over to the leadership of my good friend Peter Neilson. What a great day of celebration Sunday turned out to be. First of all it was wonderful to have Elisa back again on the keyboards and Jimmy and Ian back to help with the worship. We are blessed with our current worship group Graeme Trudie and Craig however having some additional musicians added to the excitement...
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26 Oct 2011 comments:
Well who would have thought my 598th post to this blog would be a huge thank you to all who have taken time to send congratulations with reference to my nomination to be Moderator Designate of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Thank you all for your prayerful support. It is greatly appreciated and will continue to be as the weeks and months go on.
I also wish to record my thanks to the members of the Committee who made the decision today. If the truth be...
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7 Oct 2011 comments:
So what has Steve Jobs and James V1 of Scotland got in common? One thing is for certain both produced a book that changed the world. One produced the ibook the other produced what many still believe to be the best translation of he Bible.
It was interesting to have apple macs and the Bible side by side this week celebrating the 400th anniversary of the KJV of the Bible. What a fantastic exhibition the congregation's Church Without Walls team has put on this week...
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13 Aug 2011 comments:
I can never forget the picture that I saw on a Mega Church wall on one of my visits to the United States. It simply read " You Build It : They Will Come." Underneath was a picture of Noah waiting for the animals to arrive. It has stayed in my mind because I fear that too often we church leaders all play safe. We want the people to come to whatever we're building before we've built the Ark.
However we know it doesn't work like that . People only come when they...
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