28 Jul 2011 comments:
I'm looking to enlist the help of my readers. We are needing over 25 prayers to appear within the next day or two. Can you help? Sanctuary First is an amazing website that we service from St Andrew's Bo'ness. During the month of August we have chosen "Prayer from my doorstep" as a theme. The idea is that we will collate prayers from all around the world. Prayers by ordinary people, as they look out of their door and see a factory or rooftops, or noisy traffic, or...
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24 Jul 2011 comments:
I've started to write a service for Sanctuary First exploring the idea that God is often encountered in the areas of life where people normally would refuse to be by choice. I've still got a bit of work to do on it. I'm reflecting on how to make this service meaningful what illustrations can we use? Writing this kind of material isn't easy, it makes you trawl your own life moments, your own place of brokenness, the experience of extreme loss, the pain of facing...
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22 Jul 2011 comments:
"Taoiseach Enda Kenny who told the Dail yesterday that the culture of the Vatican was dominated by 'dysfunction, disconnection, elitism, the narcissism'. Photo: Dara Mac Donaillaoiseach Enda Kenny (file). Photo: Dara Mac Donaill"
Recently in the blog I've been highlighting the corruption in all our major Institutions, police, banking, journalism and parliament. To find it in the institution of the church should be no surprise. To have it highlighted this...
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20 Jul 2011 comments:
So who really decides the news the politicians or the journalists? The editors or the media moguls, or the public? These questions have been partially answered for me this week when you begin to see how politicians and journalists and the police feed off each other. Literally eating and drinking and socialising to the extent that they have been compromising their professional roles in holding each to account. The news and the stories are being spun, we know this, but we...
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16 Jul 2011 comments:
Like the Titanic News International is sinking and it may take a host of people with it. The question is who is going into the lifeboats. Is it women and children first or the rich and famous and powerful ?
There is something that I can't put my finger on, when it comes to the whole phone hacking debacle centred around News International. I think I feel uncomfortable because in exposing wrong doing too many politicians and media pundits seem to be gloating or acting...
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13 Jul 2011 comments:
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I watched BBC Newsnight once again dissecting the the fall out of the News International scandal. Its getting to the stage of being ridiculous, so much important news being missed or not reported in depth. Anyway at the end of one interview the question was asked what is happening to all of our Institutions in the UK? Almost everyone one of them at some point in the past few years has been seen to fall short of moral fibre. No one answered the...
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12 Jul 2011 comments:
[gallery columns="4"]So where do you think God has put his signature on you? This was the question I was asking the children last Sunday morning at church. I was trying to illustrate that painters when they have completed a work of art with which they are pleased always put their signature on the artwork. Now the Bible tells us that when God created people like you and me, he was pleased with his handy-work. indeed we are told that God thought everything he had made was...
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