31 May 2007 comments:
I saw you were busy with some beginners last night.
I think you were talking to them about basic stuff.
You know,
basic discipleship.
They looked like children
I joined the group for a little while
I was standing on the edge of the circle.
I didn't expect you to notice me
I listened in for a short time.
If you don't mind I'll move on ahead.
Start journeying with some of the more advance disciples.
We know where your heading.
Its great to be...
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30 May 2007 comments:
Following on from the visit to the Transport Museum last Monday, it was truly a walk down memory lane for me. The sight of this Standard Vanguard car, reminded me of Summer evenings organised by our Junior Bible Class Leader Glen Laing. He used to dress like a gangster wearing suits with big wide collars and flamboyant ties. He'd load a bunch of young guys in this car and take us out to the countryside for what we used to call a ramble, the truth is it was more like...
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29 May 2007 comments:
Last week was a bit busy and kind of disruptive, with the various commitments relating to the General Assembly. You can only go to a certain amount of receptions before you feel you've had enough. I enjoyed them, but there does come a time when you know you have to move on. It's good to get back on track again, and catch up with the real meat of parish life.
Those of you who have been following the blog will remember I had been invited to say the prayer of dedication...
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24 May 2007 comments:
A lot has been happening since I last wrote about meeting Pudsy. It was great to meet up with so many friends at the Vine Trust Gala Dinner at the Inchyra Grange Polmont last Thursday. Many thanks to Tom Morton of the BBC for being our MC. The evening was a great success. I'm still waiting to hear how much we raised but I'm sure it must have been near £20,000. It was wonderful to welcome Paul and Marty Clark and to have them as our guests her in Bo'ness all day...
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17 May 2007 comments:
Neil and I visited BBC Scotland's new £188 million headquarters this afternoon. We were guests of BBC Children in Need. Recently SAMYP received an award of £87,000 to develop work among children and families in our community here in Bo'ness. We are looking forward to developing a first class service to children and young families. Already we have seen quite spectacular success over the years in our youth work. This award, is an endorsement of our present work...
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15 May 2007 comments:
Interesting comment made by Paul, regarding the last post I made. His comment links to more info about the whole scientology organisation that I made mention of a couple of nights ago. I saw the Panorama programme, eventually last night, and it was scary. It is pretty clear that scientology doesn't like people messing with them. Anyway I doubt if my two lines of criticism will create a major spam attack on my blog. However all this got me thinking how easy it is to...
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14 May 2007 comments:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]BBC Panorama are broadcasting a programme tomorrow night highlighting a number of disturbing facts about the Church of Scientology. I hope I can watch the programme I think it will be interesting. It would appear that the BBC veteran reporter John Sweeney lost his cool with the people from the church. Here is a disturbing clip of Sweeney, who appears to just loose...
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