Brits In Libya Praying To Be Rescued

posted: 24 Feb 2011 comments: 1category:

[gallery]What a horrific experience it must be to be in Libya at this time. How anxious many must be to feel that they might be left behind or forgotten about. How fearful it must be when everything all around seems to be under constant fire from terrorists or looters. I listened to the voice of the Scots oil worker James Coyle describe his experience in the Libyan desert as a "living a nightmare" Mr Coyle is one of over 300 worker trapped in a camp with less that a...
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The Chill Out Church

posted: 15 Feb 2011 comments: 3category:

Sanctuary First was well received this month. I think those who attended the event really connected with the theme of God's Spa. The idea was to try and create a service that would allow worshippers the freedom to explore and also to encounter the majesty and the glory of God. The concept was to invite those who attended to come and rest a while in the presence of the God. To listen to his Word and to allow God's word to take root in hearts as we move out from the...
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River Talk On the Amazon

posted: 13 Feb 2011 comments: 0category:

We come to listen We come to see We come to be inspired Amazon sounds are deep The jungle has a river face Green vegetation Camouflages raw nature A parrot Perched high talks aloud An anaconda Wanders in the mud Slithering on the ground Debree Floats on the surface Paranoia lurks in the deep As Parana fish scavenge for blood Sailing murky waters is not new Nothing is transparent Its not easy to navigate Nothing in the Jungle ever is Concrete...
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The Children Who Deserve Better

posted: 10 Feb 2011 comments: 0category:

Today I got the opportunity to speak to a group of Baptist Pastors in Edinburgh about the work of the Vine Trust. I was able to explain a little about the ethos of this organisation that emerged out of St Andrew's Bo'ness over 25 years ago and has developed into a fully autonomous Trust. At the heart of the Vine Trust is the idea of volunteering. We aim to create opportunities in the developing world for skilled people to go and make a difference in the lives of some...
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Plane Truth - Why Do Aircraft Fly

posted: 8 Feb 2011 comments: 0category:

I don't know about you but I imagine all of us who fly from time to think about the unthinkable. I mean it is quite unbelievable these flying machines. I looked up the KLM webpage and here are the technical reasons as to why a plane stays up in the air. the following text has been pasted from a page on the KLM website. A Boeing 747 filled with passengers, cargo, and fuel can weigh more than 400,000 kilos. How do you get an aircraft with that amount of weight into...
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Peace And Trade Envoy Alec Carstairs Engages a Deal with the Bora Tribe

posted: 8 Feb 2011 comments: 3category:

You might not believe this but apart from bringing health care to over 100,000 thousand people in Amazonia. Amazon Hope can also add to its impressive CV the fact that it has encouraged friendship between the Huitoto tribe and the Bora and is promoting international trade. The picture captures Alec Carstairs the Vine Trust Treasurer making one of his now historic Trade Agreements last week when he visited one of their settlements. Mr Carstairs later commented...
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Snake Bite Boy Rescued

posted: 1 Feb 2011 comments: 7category:

Yesterday I visited my favourite place in Iquitos Puerto Allegria. The setting is idilic. Here in this home run by Union Biblica and funded by Vine Trust boys of all ages who have no homes to call their own can begin to find a family and discover security and love. It was wonderful to see the boys again. Today we started on the long speed boat journey about 5 hours up the Amazon then on to the River Ampiyacu where we found Amazon Hope engaging with the Huitoto...
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