30 Nov 2012 comments:
Last Sunday evening I had the privilege of preaching at the Steeple Church Dundee. It was a great evening. Such an encouragement to see so many people enthusiastic about the refurbishment and the new lease of life and commitment this brings to Dundee Town Centre and the congregation. David Clark and his team have a great passion to share the gospel with the people of Dundee and it is heartening to see the Church of Scotland continuing to be a lead player in this...
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24 Nov 2012 comments:
[youtube][/youtube]Yesterday morning the door bell rang at 8.00am. It was Bill Taylor one of the National Advisors for Chaplaincy . Bill has been driving me all over Scotland this week visiting the prisons. Its been a great opportunity for me to learn from Bill a great deal about the work and challenges of Chaplaincy.
Friday morning was taken up driving to Inverness. When we arrived...
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24 Nov 2012 comments:
By the time I've finished my time with Prisoner's Week I'll have visited nine jails. This has been a week that has helped me gain a great deal of insight into the Criminal Justice System here in Scotland. We lock up over 8,000 people in Scotland every year. It is estimated that the vast majority of our prison population do not pose a threat to society, certainly in the vast majority of cases.. So what is the purpose of prison? I have come to the conclusion that first...
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22 Nov 2012 comments:
Today I visited Polmont Young Offenders Institute. I was reflecting with someone that the first time I was in Polmont must have been in the late 1960s . I remember going to play there with the Living Stones. Today I was invited to speak at the opening of the Multi-Faith Space. This is a space in the jail which traditionally would have been called the Chapel but now in an attempt to be inclusive it is known by the above name. After spending sometime with the boys Donald...
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21 Nov 2012 comments:
Taking time to think and reflect on the world around us is so difficult in our fast moving world. Here's a picture of me at the DMZ standing in South Korea. the ribbons represent prayers for peace. We live in a world of conflict where walls are erected to protect those who feel afraid. So we see walls in Korea in Israel and even in Northern Ireland. For most of the time we don't see them. Instead we are locked behind our our private walls to protect ourselves from...
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19 Nov 2012 comments:
This is going to be a busy period in the life of the Moderator. Prisoners' Week started yesterday and for the rest of this week I'll be visiting prisons the length and the breadth of the country. Its an opportunity to highlight the issues that surround our prison services. Its an opportunity to meet with those who work in prisons and also to meet prisoners and to have a chance to highlight the issues that surround many families when they find that one of their...
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19 Nov 2012 comments:
Friday evening I had the privilege of collecting a cheque from the Boys Brigade for the work the Church of Scotland's World Mission Council. The boys raised £10,000, this money will go to help buy what is being called a "play pump" . This takes the form of a roundabout that you can see in any play park. the difference is that this roundabout is connected to a pump deep down in the ground. When the children play on the roundabout, they are pumping water into tanks...
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